You must have been to clubs, cafes or grocery stores and there you might have noticed a plain or colored plastic strip kind of thing they use as a curtain on the doorways. These plastic curtains are commercially called PVC strip curtains. They are also used in kitchens (hotels and restaurants), warehouses, factories, and walk-in freezers most commonly in giant grocery stores.

PVC strips are used in various places and there are actually many reasons to use them and after their application and utilization, they provide us with benefits, a lot of benefits.

A Short List of Places Where They Are Typically Used –

  • Shipping plants
  • Factories
  • Restaurants
  • Grocery storage rooms
  • Auto body shops
  • Paint workshops
  • Food processing plants

The prime job of the PVC strip curtains is to separate two areas, either the areas are already divided using any other material or these strips are used as a partition. In warehouses or a refrigerated department in a grocery shop, the PVC strips work the same way as a door along with providing the convenience of easy access.

They’re also used as a dividing wall in factories or warehouses and the workers don’t have to physically open the doors to enter in another department either on foot or while riding a forklift. These curtains also lock temperature and prevent the loss of conditioned air and help to maintain a preferred temperature inside the department. They also keep debris and insects outside the areas. However, there are specialized curtains to keep the insects away from a place and they are called anti-insect PVC strip curtains.

Anti-insect PVC strip is always recommended by many because it emits special light that efficiently dispels mosquitoes, flies, and other insects that you would not want in your place. Moreover, the PVC strip comes in orange color which hinders insects to get in through effective waves. These two features of the anti-insect PVC strip curtains make them ideal for the food industry, fresh food processing, cafeterias, and hospitals.

Hotels and restaurants and their kitchen areas are the places which should always be clean and free from insects. With this reason, they use high-quality PVC strips as pests and insects often carry harmful bacteria which can be transferred to the food if they enter the kitchen. Most big kitchens have wide-open entryways which make it important to use anti-insect PVC strip curtains in the place to reduce the risk of contamination.

Anti-Insect PVC Strip Curtains Are Commonly Utilized In;

  • Offices
  • Kitchens
  • Restaurants
  • Cafes
  • Bars
  • Warehouses
  • Food manufacturing and production plants

A Few Tips to Maintain The PVC Strip Curtains –

Keep the place is installation clean and free from contaminants, though the curtain will stop them from entering inside there can be other places of access. Clean the strips after a few days or at the time when they look really dirty. Never use detergents or bleach to clean these strips as they can be cleaned using normal tap water with just a little warmth. Replace the damaged strip with a new one and you’re good to go.